Wednesday, March 01, 2017


State Controller Thomas DiNapoli has released a report showing that New York City's economy is at record high levels. This is from the Daily News.

The number of workers employed in offices reached a record 1.5 million in 2016, accounting for about a third of all jobs in the five boroughs, according to the report released Monday from state Controller Thomas DiNapoli.

"New York City's office properties are an important part of its economy, attracting businesses and workers from around the world," DiNapoli said.

DiNapoli’s report found that the city has added more than 620,000 jobs since the end of the Great Recession in 2009, the largest employment expansion in New York City’s history.

During that span, the number of workers employed in offices has grown 15% or 202,000 jobs.
The business services sector — including accountants, lawyers and administrative employees — and the technology, advertising, media and information sector accounted for 87 percent of the growth in office jobs. 

Many good jobs here in these sectors. Just remember that UFT President Michael Mulgrew in 2014 claimed the cupboard was bare when accepting our sub-par contract that established the lowest pattern for city workers that anyone can remember along with healthcare cost increases while the city was in the midst of record job creation.

Someone will find a way to show that the job creation has slowed to a crawl or ended when our contracts are up for renegotiation in the near future.


Anonymous said...

!00% true. UFT and Mayor will claim city is broke when new contracts come up. That is why I just want better working conditions right now and am content with my current pay. Get me 2 observations and my parking permit back!!!

Unitymustgo! said...

This is straight from Gene Mann's newsletter he writes for the UFT:

"Now that you are back in your school, be sure to thank your senior colleagues, those who were working in spring 1991, twenty-five years ago, for paying for it.

That’s right.

Back then under Mayor David Dinkins the city, in financial crisis, asked each and every UFT member for a loan of $500*. In exchange we got

-a liberalized sabbatical and leave policy

-a buyout for Tier I members


-the midwinter break.

It wasn’t free. It didn’t come from Kris Kringle, Befana the Christmas Witch, or the Tooth Fairy. Your colleagues and your union paid for it.

Be sure to thank them.

*Happy ending. Everybody got paid back in three years at 6% interest."

Would love for him to compare that deal to the 2014 contract. Some how I'm sure he could explain how every crappy part of it was all a big win.

James Eterno said...

DA turned loan down the first time. City sweetened the pot. Thank those dissidents who voted no on original deal. Also, it took six years, not three, to get the money back. In addition, Gene doesn't remember the reason that city and UFT were negotiating. It was to save jobs of newer teachers like me at the time. City was going to lay a bunch of us off.

Anonymous said...

The 2014 contract was a bitter defeat and disaster for teachers. Mulgrew's legacy will be the destruction of both the UFT and the teaching profession. He is a stooge.