Tuesday, January 18, 2022


I went to the UFT Solidarity member support meeting on Zoom last Friday. It was very informative and I think Lydia Howrilka for giving me a chance to speak for a couple of minutes.

Here is the presentation, written by Nick Bacon from New Action with some help from Lydia and Solidarity's Quinn Zannoni, on knowing your rights. It is well worth looking over.

She also provided advice on dealing with abusive administrators.

In addition, we heard from Lydia updating us on the lawsuit she filed pro se (without a lawyer) looking for temporary remote learning during the height of the Omicron spike.

 Oral Arguments for the pro se lawsuit are at 10am on Tuesday. I will have to take a personal day (which sucks because I will miss my students!).

Given the latest news about the Chancellor suddenly being open to a remote option, I'm wondering what the City's argument is going to be when I face them over Microsoft Teams on Tuesday.

Solidarity also wants to know what you are thinking on school safety unlike the current UFT leadership that rarely looks to hear from the membership. 

Please take the UFT Solidarity School Safety Survey.

Solidarity is fighting for all of us. As soon as we have more information, we will post it. 


Disgusted in Queens said...

Thank you James for advocating for teachers. We appreciate your efforts to improve our working conditions.

Anonymous said...

As the most senior teacher in my school, a ton of staff are asking me about who is running against Mulgrew. I am telling all of them to vote for United For Change. Even the newer teachers have had it with Mulgrew's bullshit. Gonna be an interesting election for sure.

Anonymous said...

Well done presentation! Every teacher needs to learn this.