Ballots will be mailed out next week. Look for them in your mail at home. Just place an X in the MORE-NEW ACTION box, put it inside the secret ballot envelope, then put that envelope inside the outer envelope and drop it in a mailbox.
The embattled Mayor Bill de Blasio has released the executive budget for next year. The city's financial picture is fairly strong again with record job creation but I doubt we will see much change in the schools.
The slide in the mayor's FY 2017 Executive Budget Summary covering education says this about funding: "Raise the Fair Student Funding average to 91% with NO school funded below 87% in FY 2017."
Let me see if I understand this: The city has record job creation and is receiving an increase in school aid from Albany but many schools will still be funded 13% below what the city considers full funding. The city certainly won't be going broke paying our paltry raises in May when we still will only have half the money that other unions received from 2008-2010 added to our paychecks and 87.5% of the arrears owed to us from those years still hasn't been paid back to us.
The UFT can't even successfully lobby for anything close to full funding for city schools when the city is once again rolling in cash. Please tell me why anyone is voting for Mulgrew.
We are voting for Mulgrew because you want principals to have full control over our evaluations. Well, not OUR evaluations. YOUR evaluations. But you get the point.
Now back to work, duespayers.
But Raving those MORE chics are much hotter than anything Unity has!
Hope you guys can defeat our self-serving union president next month. The members need to wake up and smell the coffee to what is going on. MORE and New Action has run a good campaign trying to use social media and TV/Radio to reach our colleagues. Maybe this is the year Mulgrew takes it to the chin. Good luck and hope you have something else up your sleeves to surprise Mikey.
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